 List of Recipients
December 15: Beslan School Terror Act Victims Continue to Receive International Medical Help - ILONA KARGIEVA, a 9-year old girl who lost her eye in the Beslan School Terror Attack last year, is scheduled to undergo complicated eye implant surgery early next month.
Press Release
August 29: A press-conference during which the foundation's officers reported on the distribution of 1.136 million dollars took place.
 video (in Russian)  article (in Russian)
June 14:
The distribution of funds that were collected by the Foundation for the victims of the terrorist act in Beslan is practically completed. More than $1.1 million have been transferred to families of children victims. We are working on updating the Assistance Paid page to reflect the current situation.
Two unresolved cases remain: in the first one, relatives of a boy whose parents were killed in the terrorist act are locked in a court fight over custody of the child, and we will wait for the resolution of the dispute to know who will be the guardian to whom the assistance will be transferred, and in the second case, that of an injured woman with one child, it is still unclear whether the degree of her injuries places her in the handicapped category and therefore qualifies her for our assistance. We will wait for the medical decision on her case.
After subtracting bank expenses (the percentage charged by credit cards and PayPal for each donation transaction, plus expenses associated with money transfers and bank account fees) and the administrative expenses (that were entirely covered by donations specifically designated for that purpose) from the difference between the total sum of donations and the sum total of distributed assistance, a small "buffer" sum remains. The Board of the Foundation is currently discussing how to best distribute those funds.
As soon as the complete report on the Distribution is finished, it will be published immediately.
May 12:
We have completed distribution to all groups of recipients other than those children/parents who were left handicapped as a result of the terrorist act.
Proportionally the largest share -- approximately half -- of all collected funds has been earmarked for this group of recipients, and determining whether an individual should belong to this group has required much investigative effort above and beyond our regular procedure of doing interviews with families and consulting official documents. Medical experts both in Ossetia and in Moscow were involved in analyzing medical histories of all candidates in this category, and all cases were also reviewed by Dr. Roshal.
This work consumed our resources for the past several months, but now it is largely completed. In the very near future we expect to finalize the exact number of shares due each handicapped child, and distribution of assistance to this group of recipients will begin immediately thereafter.
March 02: The Assistance Paid page has a new format. The list is alphabetized and is being continuously updated with incoming receipts.
January 30: The distribution policy is finalized. Detailed explanation is available at the
Distribution Policy page.
January 21: Seven receipts are added; $23,300 total.
January 20: We begin publishing the receipts for the main part of the assistance distribution. Nine receipts are added today ($43,500 total).
January 9: an article in the Daily News is published that recognizes the Foundation and the upcoming charity concert on January 16th in NJ.
December 11: 35 receipts are added to the list.
November 19: 13 receipts dated 10/15 - 11/05 are added to the list.
November 4: 23 receipts dated 10/24 - 11/01 are added to the list.
October 30: New receipts are delayed due to the problems with scanning.
They will be published in a day or two.
October 30: Anna Kadalaeva had an eye surgery
in New York.
October 20-23: Five families received assistance.
October 12: Two families received assistance.
October 11: Six families received assistance.
October 8: Twelve families received assistance.
October 6: One family received assistance.
October 5: Three families received assistance.
October 4: Three families received assistance.
October 3: The Foundation and the issue of distribution of assistance is discussed
in the Correspondent's Report program of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
October 1: Four families received assistance.
September 30: Four families received assitance.
September 29: Eight families received assitance.
September 28: The Teachers' Committee in Beslan acknowledges distribution of assistance
by the Foundation (see beslan.ru News for 28.09.2004).
September 28: Twelve families received assistance.
September 27: Thirteen more families received emergency
September 24: Ten more Beslan families received emergency
assistance on Friday, bringing the total number of such families
to 16.
September 23: The distribution of assistance began. As of 8
am EST, six families received emergency assistance, and more were
coming (our coordinator explained that because funerals and wakes
continue – today for Moslems and tomorrow for Christians
– most
people do not have time to come to the bank).
September 22: We have just got off the phone with our coordinator in Beslan
and she told us that everything was ready. The distribution of initial emergency
assistance ($500 per family) will begin tomorrow, September 23, 2004.
The Foundation is distributing local emergency assistance of $500
per eligible child to the following families:
Family of each child who was
still in a hospital as of
September 13, 2004.
Family of each child where one or both of
the parents died.
Please refer to our
Assistance Policy section for policy details.
September 17:
Two members of our Board, G. Vasilyev and N. Schedrina were in Beslan for the last three days (September 15, 16, and 17). They are now on their way back to Moscow.
Their task in Beslan was twofold:
To collect the lists of people eligible for assistance AND (very important and more difficult to get) lists of heads of households who would be authorized to receive assistance.
To set up the infrastructure for distributing money to families. People viewing the process from the outside do not perhaps realize quite the extent of the logistical difficulties involved in distribution of large sums of money in a place like Beslan. Still, most of the infrastructure is now in place. Money for emergency assistance has been transferred to the bank in Beslan and the procedures for distributing it have been worked out.
 List of Recipients