Beslan Project - Financial Report (audited):
- Donations received: $1,255,664 ($1,217,800 private donations + $19,902 matching and other contributions + $11,580 interest + $6,382 exchange rate gains)
- Assistance distributed: $1,163,145 ($1,136,500 direct victim assistance + $26,645 victim medical expense reimbursement in US and Europe)
- Expenses paid: $76,514 ($37,125 bank/paypal fees + $33,763 office costs and staff salaries in Beslan + $3,723 charity registration fees + $1,803 hosting/web fees) (all expenses were paid out of donations made by Foundation Board members)
- Remaining funds: $16,005 (intended to be fully distributed in 2020-2021 to assist Beslan victims with lingering medical conditions
Beslan School Terror Act Victims Continue to Receive International Medical Help - ILONA KARGIEVA, a 9-year old girl who lost her eye in the Beslan School Terror Attack last year, is scheduled to undergo complicated eye implant surgery early next month.
Press Release - December 15, 2005
A press-conference during which the foundation's officers reported on the distribution of 1.136 million dollars took place on Monday, August 29th.
 video (in Russian)  article (in Russian)
The distribution of funds that were collected by the Foundation for the victims of the terrorist act in Beslan is practically completed. More than $1.1 million have been transferred to families of children victims.
Personal donations delivered: 100%
Administrative expense load: $0*
 how is this possible?
Assistance Distribution Policy (per child):
Serious injury -- $500
Parent Fatality -- $3500
Child left orphaned -- extra $3000
Parent left handicapped -- $3500
Child left handicapped -- estimated $10,000.
(All donations made after January 1, 2005
are channelled to this group of recipients.)
All categories are additive. For detailed explanation please visit the
Distribution Policy page.
The Beslan tragedy is the worst terror-related human catastrophe in
the history of Russia. There are at least 335 victims, mostly children, who died
as a direct result of this terror act. Over 700 victims,
also mostly children, have been hospitalized, a large number of them
with very serious injuries.
On September 11, 2001, Russian people and the whole world stood by the people of
the United States, Canada, and all other countries whose citizens became
victims of that unprecedented terrorist attack. The Beslan hostage crisis is an example of the same type of terrorism that has
perpetrated the September 11th attack.

more information and pictures from Beslan.
* 100% ratio and $0 administrative
expenses applies to all donations except donations of the Foundation Board expressly designated for administrative